Sunday, 27 January 2013

Hair Removal - Review: Nair Bikini and Underarm Glide-On

Nair Bikini and Underarm Glide-On
4/5 Effectiveness
1/5 Discomfort

For underarms, I really don't find this too effective, I always find it leaving hair behind, and from someone whose a veteran of depilatory creams, I know how to apply it for maximum effectiveness. Even when maintaining arms up for unbearably uncomfortable lengths of time, willing Nair to do it's thing and do a 100% clean, I find it gets about 60% of it, the rest is best left to a sharp shaver.

Now... bikini line. This is where we have fun.

There's no real discomfort applying this at all, and it does do a good sweeping job, but it misses here and there, and with areas like bikini and underarm, you really don't want that, so it's best used in tandem with a razor. Also, like all depilatory creams, it stinks rottenly - so shower it off and use something to cover any remaining scent it may leave (though to it's credit, it's a LOT less smelly then Nair products for other parts of the body).

Now I'm aware a lot of my readers are here because this is probably their first time foraying into various methods of maintaining upkeep, so by all means BUY THIS PRODUCT, or it's Veet equivalent.

If, when you pull your underwear down, your expression is anything like this:

Then this is why I'm saying get this cream, it'll.... "clear the jungle" so's to speak, and then you may attack whatever's left with a bikini-line shaver (if soft hair/few) or a regular one (carefully used) depending on the coarseness and what's left of your hair, and not immediately afterwards, but after long enough for your sensitive skin to recover. Run yourself under the shower afterwards and you'll be good to go, because as we discussed - depilatory creams do not exactly smell NICE, and you don't want to remove the issue of hair, only to have another...slightly more disgusting issue to deal with. Luckily, the scent washes away with incredible ease, so you'll be good to go before you know it!

Notes on shaving various sensitive areas for first timeys will be provided in the review of shavers. Until then, smooth sailin'

(Review of bikini line shavers and POSSIBLY a vajazzle kit, coming soon. God help me, the Poundland clerks will not look me in the eyes...)

~Ms K

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